She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet (Book Five of the War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters) by S. R. Cronin #Books #Fantasy @GoddessFish

I’m so happy to have the next one in this series.

She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet (Book Five of the War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters) by S. R. Cronin released in January in the Historical Fantasy genre.

Do you know what your problem is?

Celestine, the fifth of seven sisters, is tired of hearing about hers. Father thinks she’s frivolous because she likes pretty clothes and caters to the crowds in the taverns who adore her music. Mother thinks that because she’s the most social daughter in the family, she can’t keep quiet about anything.

They’re both wrong. Celestine hides a secret she has kept for most of her life.

As the family beauty and a talented musician with a lyrical voice, she has the best prospects for marriage to a prince. When such a liaison never happens, people assume Celestine is too choosy. But even in somewhat tolerant Ilari, a daughter hates to disappoint her family. How can she tell them she’s in love with a princess instead?

Lucky for Celestine, all her sisters are obsessed with an invading army headed to their realm. Celestine would rather ignore the threat and enjoy the freedom their lack of attention gives her. But, her voice can unlock a power that may help save Ilari. And the woman she loves is determined to fight these invaders. And her family, for all their talents, seems clueless about how to motivate the masses.

Celestine knows she can inspire the citizens of Ilari to do what needs to be done. Is it time to put her inhibitions aside and use her voice to save those she cares about?

After the Svi holiday, I looked forward to my new classes, especially the astronomy class with my father’s friend Firuza. I hadn’t seen her since we met, but I remembered the faint smell that surrounded her and I hoped for the chance to know her better as I became inspired by the heavens, as she’d suggested.

But first, I rode back to my parents’ farm to celebrate Noruz. Both spring holidays prompted more sexual activity among my fellow tidzys, even though promiscuity was permitted around all the holidays for the young and unmarried. I’d discovered I had less interest than most young women. Going home helped me avoid the pressure to participate.

I shivered under my best wool cloak as I rode most of the day through an uncomfortable drizzle. I arrived wanting no more than a hot cider in front of the fire, but I found my family in turmoil. Two eighths ago my three oldest sisters had attended the realm’s most fabulous ball of the year, the Kolada celebration at the Pilk castle. My troubled parents had sent the three because several eligible royals, and numerous other well-bred young men, had been there seeking mates and my sisters all had yet to find husbands.

Ryalgar, our oldest, outdid herself. She’d caught the eye of no less than a prince of Pilk. As the second son, he wouldn’t rule one day, but he had to be the prime catch of her age group. My mother couldn’t contain her delight. Her letters continued to assure me their courtship went well.

Yet, when I arrived Ryalgar had barricaded herself in her room where she could be heard crying, wailing, and cursing. An occasional thud followed as one item or another was thrown against a wall. My dad said little. My mother told us Ryalgar felt poorly. We all knew better.

I’d never had the sort of love Ryalgar felt and now I rather hoped I never would. What good was love if it caused so much pain? I’d take the love of my audiences any day over the fickle love of a single human.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sherrie Cronin writes stories about people achieving the astonishing by developing abilities they barely knew they had. She’s made a lot of stops along the way to telling these tells — living in seven cities, visiting forty-six countries, and working as a waitress, technical writer, and geophysicist. She’s lost too many beloved cats to mention, but has acquired a husband and three children who are all doing fine, despite how odd she is.

Today she lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina where she writes, answers a hotline, and occasionally checks her phone for a message from Captain Picard. She still hopes to get the chance to pursue her remaining dream in life and become Chief Science Officer on the Starship Enterprise.

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  1. The excerpt sounds good.I think it’s fascinating you have been to all those places.I would love to travel and experience life like that.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the cover, synopsis and excerpt, this is a must read book and series for me. Thank you for sharing the author’s bio and book details

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Book Tour: She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet (The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters Book 5) by S.R. Cronin with an excerpt and a giveaway – Iron Canuck Reviews & More says:

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