On Tour with My Pulse by Hanna Dale and Meet the Author

A classic story that always works.

My Pulse by Hanna Dale released in November last year in the Adult, Contemporary, Romance genre.

For single mom Tristan Maddox, moving to the small town of Broward, Georgia is the opportunity she needs to provide her daughter with a better life. A bigger house where they can each have their own bedroom, a backyard to play in, a place where they can put down roots and be part of a community, are all part of the reason she chose Broward as their new home. Nowhere on that list was her sexy next door neighbor, Owen, his adorably affable dog, Huck, or his crazy family. 

Owen Gallahanger is perfectly content with his life the way it is. He has a job he loves, a family that he can count on, even if they drive him crazy most of the time, and his loyal sidekick, Huck. He isn’t looking for anything more, but after meeting Tristan and her daughter, he quickly realizes exactly what he is missing.

But not everyone is happy that Tristan is in Broward. As an unknown threat continues to escalate, Owen has to fight to protect the woman he loves, and their future together, or risk losing everything.


About me

by Hanna Dale

Man! There is nothing I do worse than talking about myself! I think I’m one of the most boring people on the planet. I work my day job, I take care of my kids, I occasionally get to spend quality time with my husband, I read, and I write. That’s me in a nutshell. I started writing stories when I was nine-years-old. At nine, they were stories about kittens and rainbows with a few penguins thrown in for good measure. They graduated over the years, to stories that involved my current crush falling madly in love with me, to a particularly interesting story I wrote that involved twelve sisters all named after the months of the year. I would share them with my friends and dream about becoming a published author, and then when I got a little older reality set in. Being an author was the dream, but for every fifty writers out there, only a select few became published, and even fewer yet were successful. For several years I set aside the dream and focused on building a future for myself. I studied business, I met my husband, I had two children and found a job that I enjoy. I would still write, just for myself, and then I would set the story aside and go back to reality. Then self-publishing exploded and that dream that I had tucked away for so many years, started to grow again. I finally decided to write this story, to publish it and make that dream part of my reality. I had three chapters written when my mother was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. Devastation doesn’t accurately describe what I felt. It only took a few months before my mother lost her battle, and I lost my biggest cheerleader and my best friend. It took me a long time to find a desire to write again, and even longer to convince myself to start chasing that dream again. Every word I wrote, every chapter I finished, every step I took closer to hitting publish, helped me heal just a little more. So in a way, writing this story was therapeutic for me. I’m proud that I took the leap, that I hit the publish button, and I took a lifelong dream and made it a part of my story. 

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