Release Day Tour for The King’s Questioner by Nikki Katz and Meet the Author

The ultimate hero’s quest.

The King’s Questioner by Nikki Katz releases today in the Fantasy, Young Adult genre.

Kalen is a mental picklock, able to access a person’s memories and secrets by touch. His skills make him the perfect questioner to the king, and he spends his days interrogating prisoners of the crown.

But when Kalen’s estranged childhood friend, Prince Cirrus, falls into a sudden coma, the king begs Kalen to intervene. By accessing Cirrus’s mind, Kalen saves his life—and uncovers a terrifying secret. The prince has a sister, banished long ago, and she is the key to the destruction or survival of the kingdom.

With the help of Cirrus and a silver-haired thief named Luna, Kalen must find the princess and bring her home. Or risk death at the hands of his king.

From Nikki Katz, the author of The Midnight Dance , comes The King’s Questioner, an epic YA fantasy featuring royal drama, dark magic, and a secret that could topple a kingdom.


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AUTHOR BIO:Nikki Katz is an author and editor living in sunny San Diego with her three children. With a BS in aerospace engineering, Nikki first put her writing skills to use publishing four nonfiction books. She moved on to writing young adult fiction, her favorite genre to read as well. The Midnight Dance is her debut novel.

I asked Nikki who is your favorite AND least favorite character in The King’s Questioner, and here’s what she told me.

Oh no, you’re making me pick a favorite from my darlings!

Honestly, I would have to say that Cirrus is my favorite character (although Luna is probably a close second). Cirrus, the prince, starts off as this aloof, sarcastic, snob. But, as a reader, you have to know that you’re getting this point of view from the main character, Kalen. They had a falling out years prior, so of course Kalen’s judgment is clouded. But even through Kalen’s dislike of Cirrus, you start to see the playful side of the prince. He really wants what is best for his kingdom, but let’s face it. He’s a prince and a little bit spoiled! He likes his girls. He likes his wine. He likes to have fun.

Oh, and he’s also afraid of the dark. Which doesn’t necessarily make him my favorite, but it was certainly fun to write.

(As a side note, I always put together my character’s worst fears … and Cirrus’s fear was that. I didn’t know why at first, but in developing his character, it began to make sense why he had this fear. It also very much impacts his character traits because he doesn’t like to be alone, and he doesn’t like to sleep at night.)

My least favorite character is easy to pick, and it’s not really the main villain of the story. It’s Nero. In the final version of the book, Nero’s villainous behavior is toned down, but he will forever be the creepy character I created originally. Nero has the ability to take someone’s emotions from them, and my first draft had his backstory tied to a girl he loved who did not love him in return. He kept siphoning her love for someone else, taking the emotions from her. Nero hoped she would eventually love him, but ultimately she just lost the ability to love at all.

That backstory is no longer part of the novel, but Nero is still an evil character who takes advantage of Reign and lies to her. 

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