On Tour with Just My Luck by Jennifer Honeybourn and Meet the Author

You see that little line in the cover, Karma’s a beach? Well, when I read that I knew this book was going to be on this blog.

Just My Luck by Jennifer Honeybourn released Tuesday in the Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult genre.

Marty has terrible luck and she knows exactly why. While working as a housekeeper at the ritzy Grand Palms hotel in Maui, Marty made it a habit to steal small items from the guests. What better way to stick it to the rich snobs they have to clean up after? Marty knows how to turn her luck around — she just has to return all of the items she stole.

When Marty meets Will, a new guest who is staying for the summer, she does the one thing she always promised herself she’d never do — fall for an out-of-towner. But Will’s special, different from the other guests at the hotel. Maybe Marty’s luck is finally turning around.

After a string of misunderstandings and accidents threaten Will and Marty’s relationship, Marty has to find a way to fix her luck for good — or say goodbye to Will forever.


Other buy links:

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/just-my-luck-jennifer-honeybourn/1129098250#/

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/ca/book/just-my-luck/id1447697264?mt=11&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/just-my-luck-13

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=pP6ADwAAQBAJ

AUTHOR BIO: Jennifer Honeybourn works in corporate communications in Vancouver, British Columbia. She’s a fan of British accents, Broadway musicals, and epic, happily-ever-after love stories. If she could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, she’d have high tea with Walt Disney, JK Rowling, and her nana. She lives with her husband, daughter and cat in a house filled with books. Wesley James Ruined My Life is her first novel.

I asked Jennifer, if she could have her wish granted and dine with Walt Disney, what would she ask him?

Author bios can be tough to write. When I was writing mine, I wanted to include something fun, that conveyed a bit of my personality — the bios that give me a hint about who the author is are always those that I enjoy reading the most. So, I used that old party trick, if you could invite any person in the world, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would you choose, and I transformed it into: If she could have a meal with anyone, dead or alive, she have high tea with Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling, and her nana (because author bios are always written in third person).

The guests I picked are a pretty solid clue about some of my favorite people and things: I will always choose high tea over almost everything and I used to love going with my Scottish nana, who unfortunately passed away a number of years ago (☹). I’d have to invite J.K. Rowling, as I am a total Potterhead. Although, truth be told, I’m not sure if I could even form words, much less eat, if I was in the same room as her. And because I’m a huge Disnerd — I’ve been to Disneyland more times than I can count, I dragged my husband to Disneyland Paris on our honeymoon, and now that I’m living on the east coast of Canada, I have a road trip planned to Orlando this summer so that we can check out Disneyworld (with a stop at Universal Orlando to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, because no way am I passing up that opportunity) — I would love to meet Walt Disney, who died a full decade before I was born. He is obviously someone who possessed great vision and imagination, which I admire. It would be interesting to get his thoughts about his empire today and the impact it’s made in popular culture and, really, on the world. Technology has come a long way since he died in the mid 60s and I imagined he’d be shocked at how far we’ve come in the past fifty years. It would make for a very lively dinner conversation!

Author links:





This post is part of a Tour. You can find the schedule here (http://xpressobooktours.com/2019/05/14/tour-sign-up-just-my-luck-by-jennifer-honeybourn/).

Giveaway:Tour-wide giveaway (US/CAN)

  • Print copy of Just My Luck

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