On Tour with August Prather is Not Dead Yet by Danielle Roux and Meet the Author

The title is what hooked me to this book, and everything clicked right from there.

August Prather is Not Dead Yet by Danielle Roux, a Fantasy, LGBTQ+, New Adult, Romance.

Katherine Garnet is a writer who has never cared much about much, making it awfully difficult to create new content. Despite the fact she has the “edge” of being trans (according to her cis male editor) she is not looking to capitalize on her own personal story. Garnet tries to sneak a peek at her rival, August Prather’s, latest fantasy manuscript about a quest for the elixir of life. While reading, Garnet gets accidentally dragged into a bizarre cross-country road trip that may or may not have a purpose and begins to see parallels in the story of the manuscript and the reality of their journey. Along the way, they encounter a parade of equally troubled individuals, including ghost-hunting priests, a robot magician, a discarded piece of furniture, a runaway teenager, and a Japanese rock star. As Garnet confronts her past, she begins to understand why someone might want to live forever.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40817850-august-prather-is-not-dead-yet?ac=1&from_search=true

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/august-prather-is-not-dead-yet-danielle-k-roux/1129133046

iBooks: https://books.apple.com/ca/book/august-prather-is-not-dead-yet/id1415246580?ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/august-prather-is-not-dead-yet

AUTHOR BIO: Danielle K. Roux is a writer, teacher, and historian. Her first novel August Prather is Not Dead Yet is currently available in e-book and paperback through Parliament House Press (and soon will be available in hardcover and audio book). Danielle has always loved reading and telling stories – especially stories with adventure, mystery, humor, romance and at least a little bit of spookiness. Not Dead Yet has all this covered, with a story-within-a-story structure and a quest for immortality in the early twentieth century paired with a present-day road trip. There’s a lot of existential crisis and a male/male romance that is sweet and steamy.

Danielle has been writing fiction since she was nine, after getting tired of reading from the perspective of white, straight male characters in fantasy novels. Her first written story involved a group of middle school girls who find necklaces used by a dead witch that give them supernatural powers. It was written in notebooks in purple and green gel pens that are currently housed in a box in her linen closet. She is inspired by travelling to new places and reading about the stories tied to landscapes. She has at least three novels building in her brain (or wherever novels come from) and wishes she was writing them all right now.

Danielle lives with her wife and two orange cats in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has added a lot of young adult fantasy fiction to her bookshelves recently, and regrets nothing. Her dream library would be accessed through a secret door and look something like the library in the animated Disney Beauty and the Beast, although it would also have a cute barista or sentient coffee machine that once was said barista.

When she isn’t writing or thinking about writing, Danielle is building houses in the Sims, listening to podcasts, or taking Buzzfeed quizzes to find out what kind of tree she is based on her hair color. She has recently been watching lots of old BBC period pieces, and some of them are good. She has begun to drink Diet Coke and is worried this might be a real problem. Coffee and tea are still her primary beverages of choice.

Danielle came by for a game of This or That:

Dog or Cat?

Cat! I have two and they are ridiculous creatures.

Netflix or YouTube?

Netflix. I’m all about binge-watching a series.

Phone Call or Text?

Texting, because you don’t have to worry that you are interrupting someone’s yoga session or hotdog eating contest or whatnot. They can ignore a message and get to it when they’re ready or they can just ignore it forever, if they dislike you.

Facebook or Twitter?

Twitter! The writing community on Twitter is amazingly supportive. I never got into Facebook quite as much, although I do use both.

Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?

Ice cream cone.

Mobile Games or Console Games?

I play PC games (the Sims!) but have played some mobile games in the past.

While walking: Music or Podcasts?

Podcasts, although it depends on my mood. Reply All and Criminal are my favorite podcasts at the moment. 

iOS or Android?

iOS… I’ve never had an Android.

Form or Function?

Ooo this is an intriguing question… form. I’m not very practical.

Pop or Indie?

Indie, although I am a fan of both.                       

High-tech or Low-tech?

High-tech. I draft my novels on a computer, but I enjoy handwriting outlines and notes.

Big Party or Small Gathering?

Small gathering, my wedding had like 25 people including me.

New Clothes or New Phone?


Football or Basketball?

Reading is my sport of choice. I’m not really interested in either, but if I had to choose… basketball.

Work Hard or Play Hard?

Both. But I work a lot harder than I play, these days.

Nice Car or Nice Home Interior?

Nice home interior, that’s where I spend more time (unless there’s traffic)

What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?


Jogging or Hiking?

Hiking! I love going on trails in the mountains or by the ocean. So beautiful.

Glasses or Contacts?

Glasses. They look cool and contacts hurt my eyes, so I have no choice but to embrace the aesthetic.

Hamburger or Taco?

Taco, although this is probably the most difficult question on the list.

Couch or Recliner?

Couch, because it fits friends and cats.

Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?

If I have time, I like to shop at a store so I can look at all the things.

Receive: Email or Letter?

Letter! So rare, and even better if handwritten.

Passenger or Driver?

Driver. I love driving, it’s relaxing for me.

Tablet or Computer?

Computer. Having a keyboard makes my life easier.

Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?

Funny. Sense of humor is so important.

Money or Free Time?

Free time.

Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?

Beach! Way more chill, and ideally less crowded.

At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?


Toilet paper: Over or Under?

Over. I actually don’t care, but my wife does. 😊

Cups in the cupboard: Right Side Up or Up Side Down?

Upside down, otherwise stuff gets in.  

Pancake or Waffle?


Blinds or Curtain?

Curtain. Blinds are annoying.

International Vacation or a New TV?

International vacation!

Save or Spend?

Spend. I wish I was better at saving, but sometimes it’s better to have experiences than money in the bank.

Honesty or Other’s Feelings?


Coffee or Tea?


TV or Book?

Oh, depends… book, usually.

Movie at Home or Movie at the Theater?

Movie at home, although it’s fun to go to the theater every once in a while.

Ocean or Mountains?

I love both so much! Now that I live in Northern California I get both.

Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?


City or Countryside?


Winter or Summer?


Card Game or Board Game?

Cards Against Humanity.

When sleeping: Fan or No Fan?

Fan. I like the noise.

Author links: https://www.dkroux.com/




This post is part of a bigger tour. You can find the schedule here (http://xpressobooktours.com/2019/03/26/tour-sign-up-august-prather-is-not-dead-yet-by-danielle-roux/)

Giveaway:Tour-wide giveaway (INTL)

  • $50 Amazon gift card, an Out of Print rainbow library card enamel pin & signed copy of August Prather is Not Dead
  • $20 Amazon gift card, an Out of Print rainbow library card enamel pin & signed copy of August Prather is Not Dead
  • An Out of Print rainbow library card enamel pin & signed copy of August Prather is Not Dead
  • An ebook copy of August Prather is Not Dead Yet

Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d04251233090/

Xpresso Book Tours


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