Release Day for Dawn of the Hunters ~ Hunters of Infinity #3, Series spotlight, and Meet the Author

This space-opera deal always fascinates me. The last book in this series releases today, and I’m thrilled to have in, and the series, on.

The series is Hunters of Infinity by Ryan Wieser, a Space Opera, SciFi.

Dawn of the Hunters ~ Hunters of Infinity #3

Even the Hunters of Infinity are splintered when faced with the greatest battle in the Daharian galaxy’s history . . . Jessop has proven herself to be an unstoppable force from Aranthol to Azgul, inarguably the fiercest warrior the Hunters have ever seen. And her abilities only seem to strengthen as her rage grows. With the two men she holds dear by her side—one good-souled, one with a treacherous past, and both deadly with a sword—she prepares to enter the most important fight of her life, with the most personal stakes yet . . .

Armies are divided and reforged, and battle lines are drawn. Blind loyalty drives some while others are sworn to protect the galaxy at all costs.

Bonds will be tested.

Lives will be lost.

Consequences will be devastating.

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The Shadow City ~ Hunters of Infinity #2

The Hunters of Infinity have guarded the Daharian galaxy for ages, but when betrayed, they can become a vicious enemy . . . Jessop, the first woman to join the Hunters, has finally been reunited with those who mean the most to her. In her quest for vengeance, she has left many embittered and betrayed, chief among them Kohl O’Hanlon, the Hunter who once loved her.

Now, as the feared Falco Bane leads his forces into the Hunters’ territory, Kohl attempts to retaliate, flooding their infamous Shadow City with his own followers. Jessop must fight a war on two fronts, testing her commitment to the ones she loves and challenging her abilities as the most elite warrior among the Hunters. With the future of Daharia’s leadership at stake, Jessop is determined to protect those closest to her at all costs . But when allies turn into adversaries, the real threat comes from a place least expected . . .

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The Glass Blade ~ Hunters of Infinity #1

The Hunters of Infinity have been protecting the Daharian galaxy for years, but there has never been a female Hunter—until now.
In a seedy bar in the shadowy corners of Daharia, Jessop comes to the rescue of young Hunter Kohl O’Hanlon. Impressed by her remarkable sword-wielding skills, the Hunters invite her to their training facility, the Glass Blade, though not all are pleased with the intrusion. But they soon discover that Jessop learned to fight from the rogue leader of the Shadow City of Aranthol—and escaped. Now they want to use her intimate knowledge of their enemy to destroy him.

As Jessop grows closer to this elite brotherhood, their leader succumbs to a mysterious ailment,  and Kohl learns that Jessop is hiding dark secrets, raising suspicions about the enigmatic woman who saved his life. Has the Hunters’ security been breached—or do they have a traitor in their ranks?

Allegiances will be questioned.
Loyalties will be betrayed.
Vengeance will be brutal.

“This thrilling, action-packed debut ties together a strong characters with a building story line that will have readers clamoring for the next volume in this new series.” —Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW, on The Glass Blade

**Only .99 cents!!**

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            The tavern was dark and quiet, barring the muted voices that filled the corners with whispers of quiet corruption and deceit. Hushed sounds traveled on thick smoke to the ceiling and her eyes trailed over the dimly lit corners and over the musty cloaked patrons. Dirty exchanges took place everywhere, too-young girls being offered coins and despair by corrupt travelers, whose lies traveled like fire across the alcohol on their lips. This wasn’t a typical bar, this dark, underground dwelling in the heart of Azgul where there were more shadows than light, more smoke than air. It was a seedy, unsafe locale where illegal exchanges could occur. A place favored by those in the city’s most important positions, for in this underground dwelling they could act as they truly wished.

            From where she sat, with her cloak draped low over her face, she could easily make out the group of Aren. They were more discreet than she had anticipated, but few could go unseen to her well-trained eyes. They were scattered about the bar, donning the civilian attire of common Azgul nomad passer-by. The Aren weren’t common travelers though; they were fatalistic believers who waited anxiously for a supposed impending end. A doom and darkness that would swallow the entire Daharian galaxy whole—their belief in some unimagined state of horror for the universe made her certain that not a man amongst them had ever laid eyes on Aranthol.

            She scanned the room, counting twelve of the zealots. Without their robes they appeared as normal men, barring their brand, which could be seen on the base of several of their necks. The tender nape of the neck was where all in Azgul had their brands. She knew that their mark was not well-known though, not as well-known as they would have liked it to be. Thinking of the brandings nearly had Jessop reaching for her own neck, certain she could almost feel the hot iron against her still. The smell of burning, blistering flesh unnaturally recoiling from heated metal filled her nostrils. She shivered at the putrid memory and forced it back to the depths of her mind, where she kept all her locked-away thoughts and all her darkness.

            Suddenly, the oddest sensation roused her, overcoming her senses. She could feel silk running across her skin, dragging her fine hairs on end, exciting her cells. The energy of the room had completely changed, thickening the air more than any smoke or liquor could do. She had only ever been around one other of her kind, and to feel the changing electromagnetic charge in the room without him present was as compelling to her as it was terrifying. The draw was a beast’s cry calling her in, feeding her need to find the one like her. It was a pull strong enough to grip her, strong enough to shoot adrenaline through her, to dilate her pupils and ready her muscles and tell her, without question, that Hunters were near.

            She closed her eyes and narrowed in on their presence. She could smell the faintest scent of grease on one of them; it had an acidic air to it—like the oil slick found in the Western corner of the city. She could hear his voice though he did not speak. She could see the diminutive smudge of black slick over his boot though she did not open her eyes. Her senses—so refined—ensured she could see most of him without ever glancing his way.

            And then she laid eyes on him.

Author Bio
Ryan Wieser 
completed her B.A. in Sociology and Socio-Legal Studies before going on to complete her MSc. in Experimental Psychology. Having been raised in Africa and educated across multiple countries, Ryan has a passion for travel and an interest in diverse cultures. She currently resides in Wyoming with her husband, where she is writing her next book.

I love it when Authors give me lists… I love lists. Ryan wrote me one with the books we should read this summer. I read 3 out of 5 of them (#3 #4 #5), and I can say it is a solid list.

5 books to read this summer according to Ryan Wieser

~ The Pact by Jodi Picoult

Fair warning: The Pact is a very controversial book. Originally published in 1998, it details the events that lead up to a suicide pact and ultimate death of seventeen-year-old Emily. If you look up The Pact on Goodreads, you will see the book has a 4-star average from over 240,000 ratings, but you’ll also find quite a few angry reviews. Anyone with a Netflix account or access to the news knows that suicide has been a spotlighted topic recently. Picoult tackles a heavy topic with the writing ability of a well-seasoned author, ensuring an intricately woven story for many to appreciate.

~ The World According to Garp by John Irving

I love this book but it’s simply quite bizarre. What is The World According to Garp about? We follow the life of the character TS Garp, writer son of a feminist icon. Filled with peculiar characters, odd plot developments, and an array of themes, this is a book that I find instantly absorbing, as the plot is equal parts odd and intriguing. I’ve read this book three times. I still cannot firmly say what it is or isn’t about, but it is one of the most masterfully written eccentric tales I’ve ever read.

~ Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I read Jane Eyre when I was quite young, and odd as it may seem, this is the first book that ever frightened me. Not in a red-balloon It kind of way, but still, I was spooked while reading certain pages. You’ll know the scene when you reach it. Creepiness can only be achieved through expert storytelling, and this book was expertly crafted. Jane Eyre explores themes of religion, independence, and love, and the role of women in society. This is not the easiest or quickest read on my list (we are in the 500 page region here) so some may wonder if it’s worth the time and commitment. Short answer? Absolutely.  

~ Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

I’ve always loved Siddhartha. I’ve read this a handful of times throughout the years and I appreciate that it’s very accessible to many different readers, despite covering some potentially complex notions on life, love, and spirituality. Thanks to the simplicity of the structure, this is a fairly quick read, but I bet that you may just find yourself returning back to the pages to revisit the central themes or to consider the story’s message.

~ The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

A fantastic book! Like Siddhartha, The Alchemist also possesses a simple, accessible structure while presenting some serious considerations on happiness, dreams and goals, and the purpose of life.  Depending on the kind of person you are, you’ll either love or hate the ending but it’s all part of the ultimate message.

Let me know what you end up reading this Fall!

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