On Tour with Born of Nothing (The Fae Games #4) by Jill Ramsower and Meet the Author

I had the first two books in the Series, and I highly recommend them. Alas, I missed the third installment, but here’s the fourth!

The book is Born of Nothing (The Fae Games #4) by Jill Ramsower, was out a few days ago in the Adult, Fantasy, Romance genre.

It was over before it began.
A druid woman and a Fae man—we were two people from different worlds, only by chance did our paths happen to cross. He was beautiful and damaged and totally captivating. If only I could have continued to buy into the propaganda of fear and hate my people had taught me about the Fae, then maybe I would have believed him to be the savage he appeared to be.

Instead, I offered the cryptic man my help. The time I spent with him allowed me to see the man he was behind the chiseled, formal exterior. What developed between us was tender, intimate, and totally unexpected.

My druid family was not as enlightened as I was. My mom didn’t want me near the Fae; she certainly never would have understood that I had developed feelings for a Fae man. I tried to keep my private life a secret. I tried to keep the peace, but my mother’s threats and intolerance left me with no choice. I had to make the hardest decision of my life. I had to leave the only family I’d ever known. I just never imagined what I’d face when I didn’t make it out in time


Chatting with the Author

Jill is a Texan, born and raised. She manages the hectic social calendars for her three active children and occasionally spends an evening with her dashing husband. Aside from being an author and a mom, she’s an attorney, travel junkie, and voracious reader.

I asked Jill to talk to me about the Series in general, and here’s what she told me.

The Fae Games was initially inspired by my love of the stories told by Karen Marie Moning and other captivating fantasy authors. When I sat down to write, I knew that I wanted to tell the story of a young woman’s discovery of, and entanglement with, the Fae. A few years prior, I had attempted to write a book but gave up not long into the process. Because of my previous unsuccessful attempt at writing, I didn’t plan much beyond the basic story. I was so stunned that I had actually written a book that I published it without any real plan and have been scrambling to catch up ever since.

Most series are either a continuous storyline revolving around a single main character, or each book is a standalone focussed on a different member of a group of friends, like many of the MC (motorcycle club) books I’ve read. The Fae Games managed to evolve into a hybrid of the two.

My growing reader base was very vocal about wanting the stories behind the ancillary characters in The Fae Games Duet. I had not initially planned to continue the series, which is why the first two books are a duet. Inspired by may readers, I wrote the next two books as spin-off novels about the other characters. To muddy matters even further, the fifth and final book looks to pick up some of the original storyline from the duet while serving to tell the story of yet another character. This may sound a bit confusing, but it actually all comes together nicely, and I’m excited about how the series has evolved. Each book plays into the others to some extent and adds elements to the larger mural of storyline. By the time the reader gets to the final book, all the smaller pieces will come together and tie back to the original duet. I had never planned for the story to unfold as it did, but I’m thrilled with the result. I’m outlining the final book now, and I couldn’t have asked for a better finale to the series!

Author links:


If you want to find out more about the Author or the book, follow the Tour. You can find the schedule here: (http://xpressobooktours.com/2018/12/19/tour-sign-up-born-of-nothing-by-jill-ramsower/).

Giveaway:Tour-wide giveaway (INT)

  • Signed copy of Born of Nothing, swag pack, and $25 Amazon gift card

Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d04251232918/

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