On Tour with Baby Girl by C.M. Stunich

Sweet Lord, this story broke my heart and I read the synopsis only… Read the first line, and I was gone.

The book is Baby Girl by C.M. Stunich, a New Adult, Romance, Suspense.


He died that night, alone, in the rain, in the dark, the boy that called me baby girl.
I was only seventeen; we were going to be together forever.

On his way to pick me up for prom, he swerved. I’ll never know what made him do it, what killed the boy I’d loved my whole life. With roses clutched in his hand, he bled out in icy wetness all alone.

His best friend is here though, and I’m pretty sure he loves me.
But after the accident, I left for a year and didn’t look back.

Now I’m back in town and my heart is like shattered glass.
Do I pick up the pieces and risk getting cut? And do I let another boy call me baby girl?

(don’t lie, I’m not saying you have tears in your eyes, but you are shaken, aren’t you?)
Also, I have the author here with me for an interview.

Hi, C.M. and thank you for being here. Do you have a day job?

For the past five, almost six, years writing has been my full-time job! I was lucky enough to hit publish on “Tasting Never”, a new adult romance, in December of 2012 and have been able to focus all my time on creating new words to explore. Prior to that, I was a student at University of California Santa Cruz—go banana slugs! LOL—as well as working at FedEx/Kinko’s and Enterprise Rent-A-Car, on the call center side.

What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?

I think I’d have to say that meeting and getting to work with Tate James. Not only have I found a life-long friend in her, I’ve found a kindred writing soul and I really enjoy creating new worlds together! I never thought I’d be able to co-write since I’m so picky and so obsessive of my work, but I’m glad that she was able to prove me wrong! Plus, she got me to visit New Orleans for the first time and I feel so hard for that city—I would love to live there one day, storms or no storms.

Is there anything about the writing life that you think is misunderstood by the public?

Definitely! A lot of people seem to think that all authors are rich—hah, it’s mostly the opposite! And that it’s all about writing. It’s really not. There are so many other things that have to be done, especially for a self-published author. Administrative tasks, answering messages, sending out prizes, editing, getting covers, uploading the books, removing pirated copies from the internet, marketing, etc.  A lot of people get really upset when we don’t respond/write them back right away, but I know most of my author buddies are like me and have almost no days off. So next time you write an author or win a prize and it takes a little while to get there, remember that she/he probably doesn’t get to spend a lot of time with their family, so try to be understanding. As a whole, most people are very nice though and I’ve had amazing support from incredible readers over the years!

 Can you describe your writing style in ten words or less?

Romantic. Detailed. Gritty. Steamy. Whimsical. Emotional. Broken. Whole. Strong. Obsessive.

 How long does it take to write a story?

This is one of those questions that varies a lot depending on so many different things—how long the book is, the genre, my mood when I’m writing it, how chaotic life is at the time. Since this is my full-time job, I have the luxury of staying up all night and just obsessing over a story. Sometimes, I won’t sleep for days.  I can get a book done in a week in that case—and by week, I mean working almost every spare minute. LOL. But other books take longer, months even. I’ve learned that the amount of time I spend on the story doesn’t seem to affect the quality; I just make sure to give each piece the time that it needs.

 What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Like most writers, I’m an obsessive reader. My preferences are urban fantasy/paranormal romance and what seems to be a relatively new genre of high fantasy romance—all the magic and the fun with all the sexy scenes, woo hoo! I also enjoy anime—Yona of the Dawn, anyone?—and video games, especially Zelda or Monster. When it comes to TV, I can’t recommend Crazy Ex-Girlfriend or American Vandal enough. And movies, I’ve gotta go with Stardust as a top fave.

Basically, I like mental escapes from the real world! I’m not much of an outdoors person. The closest thing I get to outdoor activities are taking my dogs to the dog park or camping by Dorena Lake! LOL. 

What are your top three favorite books of all time?

This is an easy one!

  1. Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
  2. Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
  3. The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

 Best song that was ever written.

Lead Me Out of the Dark by Crown the Empire.

Favorite actor and actress.

Pierce Brosnan and Toni Collette.

 Pen or computer?

Computer! But I like to make hand-written lists and doodle while I think. I’ve been working on a Mac for five years, but I just switched back to PC with a Dell XPS 13. I like tiny, small, light computers that I take anywhere and whip out of my purse for a quick writing session.

 Music or silence?

This actually varies a lot depending on my mood. I make playlists for every book, but sometimes I’ll crave a bit of silence so I can focus better.

 Do you have any scar? What are they from?

Believe it or not—nobody ever believes me when I say this—I was a competition cheerleader in high school. As in, not football or basketball teams. We traveled around the country competing against other professional squads. Anyway, one day during practice, we were doing this dance where we supposed to turn quickly to the left. As I spun, my shoe got caught on the practice mat and stuck. It tore my meniscus—the squishy bit that cushions the knee—and I felt my body go into shock. Nothing hurt, but I couldn’t stand. When I tried to, my knee would just collapse and I’d end up on the ground. I had to have surgery to repair it, and there are three distinct scars on my knee. Even now, sometimes my knee feels tight and hurts when I try to stretch or exercise.

This is a Tour, so for more interviews, extracts, and generally more about the book and the author, you can follow the entire Tour here: (http://xpressobooktours.com/2017/11/02/tour-sign-up-baby-girl-by-c-m-stunich/)


C.M. Stunich is a self-admitted bibliophile with a love for exotic teas and a whole host of characters who live full time inside the strange, swirling vortex of her thoughts. Some folks might call this crazy, but Caitlin Morgan doesn’t mind – especially considering she has to write biographies in the third person. Oh, and half the host of characters in her head are searing hot bad boys with dirty mouths and skillful hands (among other things). If being crazy means hanging out with them everyday, C.M. has decided to have herself committed.

She hates tapioca pudding, loves to binge on cheesy horror movies, and is a slave to many cats. When she’s not vacuuming fur off of her couch, C.M. can be found with her nose buried in a book or her eyes glued to a computer screen. She’s the author of over thirty novels – romance, new adult, fantasy, and young adult included. Please, come and join her inside her crazy. There’s a heck of a lot to do there.

Oh, and Caitlin loves to chat (incessantly), so feel free to e-mail her, send her a Facebook message, or put up smoke signals. She’s already looking forward to it.

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